1. 漏洞描述2. 漏洞触发条件3. 漏洞影响范围4. 漏洞代码分析5. 防御方法6. 攻防思考
1. 漏洞描述
它可和PHP、JavaScript、ASP、ASP.NET、ColdFusion、Java、以及ABAP等不同的编程语言相结合FCK中一个很重要的文件上传的功能,常常被黑客用来进行GETSHELL攻击,根本原因是因为角色权限控制不严、以及文件扩展名限制逻辑存在BYPASS缺陷Relevant Link:
0x1: 信息搜集
http://localhost/fckeditor/editor/dialog/fck_about.html/*version 2.6.8Build 25427*/
0x2: 获取上传点路径
爆物理路径http:// 爆路径漏洞http:// 列目录漏洞也可助找上传地址http:// 其他上传地址http://一般很多站点都已删除_samples目录,可以试试。FCKeditor/editor/fckeditor.html 不可以上传文件,可以点击上传图片按钮再选择浏览服务器即可跳转至可上传文件页http:// 常用上传地址http:// 5. FCKeditor 中test 文件的上传地址http://
0x3: 建立新文件夹
0x4: IIS解析漏洞
1. 建立一个文件夹/z/shell.asphttp://localhost/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/asp/connector.asp?Command=CreateFolder&Type=Image&CurrentFolder=%2Fshell.asp&NewFolderName=z&uuid=1244789975684 http://localhost/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/default/connectors/asp/connector.asp?Command=CreateFolder&CurrentFolder=/&Type=Image&NewFolderName=shell.asp2. 上传一个内容为WEBSHELL的xx.jpg文件http://localhost/userfiles/image/shell.asp/z/choop.jpghttp://localhost/userfiles/image/shell.asp/z/choop.jpg//这个xx.jpg会被当作webshell解析
0x5: FCK扩展名过滤防御解析漏洞
1. 上传文件名: shell.php;.jpg文件会被重命名为: shell_php.jpg2. 如果上传文件名: 1) a.php;a_jpg 2) a.asp;a_jpg则文件不会被重命名 3. 又因为IIS存在一个解析漏洞,分号";"后面的字符串会被IIS截断,导致黑客上传的文件对IIS来说就是a.phpa.asp从而得到执行
Relevant Link:
4. 漏洞代码分析FCKEditor上传检测,是通过黑色单/白名单的方式检测允许和不允许上传的文件类型,具体的实现逻辑位于
1. asp: \editor\filemanager\connectors\asp\io.asp2. php: \editor\filemanager\connectors\php\io.php//在另一个browser目录中也存在同样目录结构的一套文件3. asp: \editor\filemanager\browser\default\connectors\asp\io.asp4. php: \editor\filemanager\browser\default\connectors\php\io.php
0x1: ASP
Private Function IsAllowed(sExt) Dim oRE Set oRE = New RegExp oRE.IgnoreCase = True oRE.Global = True If sDenied = "" Then oRE.Pattern = sAllowed IsAllowed = (sAllowed = "") Or oRE.Test(sExt) Else oRE.Pattern = sDenied IsAllowed = Not oRE.Test(sExt) End If Set oRE = NothingEnd Function
Function IsAllowedExt( extension, resourceType ) Dim oRE Set oRE = New RegExp oRE.IgnoreCase = True oRE.Global = True Dim sAllowed, sDenied sAllowed = ConfigAllowedExtensions.Item( resourceType ) sDenied = ConfigDeniedExtensions.Item( resourceType ) IsAllowedExt = True If sDenied <> "" Then oRE.Pattern = sDenied IsAllowedExt = Not oRE.Test( extension ) End If If IsAllowedExt And sAllowed <> "" Then oRE.Pattern = sAllowed IsAllowedExt = oRE.Test( extension ) End If Set oRE = NothingEnd Function
\fckeditor\editor\filemanager\connectors\asp\config.aspConfigAllowedExtensions.Add "File", "7z|aiff|asf|avi|bmp|csv|doc|fla|flv|gif|gz|gzip|jpeg|jpg|mid|mov|mp3|mp4|mpc|mpeg|mpg|ods|odt|pdf|png|ppt|pxd|qt|ram|rar|rm|rmi|rmvb|rtf|sdc|sitd|swf|sxc|sxw|tar|tgz|tif|tiff|txt|vsd|wav|wma|wmv|xls|xml|zip"ConfigAllowedExtensions.Add "Image", "bmp|gif|jpeg|jpg|png"ConfigAllowedExtensions.Add "Flash", "swf|flv"ConfigAllowedExtensions.Add "Media", "aiff|asf|avi|bmp|fla|flv|gif|jpeg|jpg|mid|mov|mp3|mp4|mpc|mpeg|mpg|png|qt|ram|rm|rmi|rmvb|swf|tif|tiff|wav|wma|wmv"
\fckeditor\editor\filemanager\connectors\asp\io.asp' Do a cleanup of the file name to avoid possible problemsfunction SanitizeFileName( sNewFileName ) Dim oRegex Set oRegex = New RegExp oRegex.Global = True if ( ConfigForceSingleExtension = True ) then /* 这就是重命名文件名的关键逻辑了 从第一个遇到"."号开始搜索,并把后面的内容当作捕获分组,捕获分组的过滤条件是不会再在后面遇到一个"."号 了,并设置一个断言,断言的内容为捕获分组的内容不可能发生,即如果还在后面遇到了一个"."号,则这个正则判断成立,即搜索到第一次遇到的"."号。然后进行replace操作,把"."号替换成"_" 1. 如果我们的文件名是: asp.asp;asp.jpg,自然会被正则捕获到,第一个"."号就被替换成了"_" 2. 如果我们的文件名是: asp.asp;jpg,这种文件名也能通过文件后缀判断逻辑,即bypass */ oRegex.Pattern = "\.(?![^.]*$)" sNewFileName = oRegex.Replace( sNewFileName, "_" ) end if' remove \ / | : ? * " < > and control characters oRegex.Pattern = "(\\|\/|\||:|\?|\*|""|\<|\>|[\u0000-\u001F]|\u007F)" SanitizeFileName = oRegex.Replace( sNewFileName, "_" ) Set oRegex = Nothingend function
1. ASP
0x1: 删除fckeditor下含test的html文件
1. \editor\filemanager\connectors\test.html
0x2: 在代码层防御IIS解析漏洞(分号截断)
' Do a cleanup of the file name to avoid possible problemsfunction SanitizeFileName( sNewFileName ) Dim oRegex Dim oRegexSecurityExt Set oRegex = New RegExp Set oRegexSecurityExt = New RegExp oRegex.Global = True oRegexSecurityExt.Global = True if ( ConfigForceSingleExtension = True ) then oRegex.Pattern = "\.(?![^.]*$)" SanitizeFileName = oRegex.Replace( sNewFileName, "_" ) oRegexSecurityExt.Pattern = "\.(asp|aspx|cer|asa|hdx|cdx|php|php5|php4|php3|phtml|shtml|jsp|jspx|xsp|cfm)(;|$)" SanitizeFileName = oRegexSecurityExt.Replace( sNewFileName, "_" ) end if' remove \ / | : ? * " < > and control characters oRegex.Pattern = "(\\|\/|\||:|\;|\?|\*|""|\<|\>|[\u0000-\u001F]|\u007F)" SanitizeFileName = oRegex.Replace( sNewFileName, "_" ) Set oRegex = Nothingend function
0x3: 在代码层防御IIS解析漏洞(创建xx.asp目录)如果黑客通过FCK的目录创建接口创建了一个xx.asp目录,IIS将此目录下的的任意文件都当作asp脚本进行解析,攻击者可以向这个目录下上传包含WEBSHELL的jpg文件
' Do a cleanup of the folder name to avoid possible problemsfunction SanitizeFolderName( sNewFolderName ) Dim oRegex Dim oRegexSecurityExt Set oRegex = New RegExp Set oRegexSecurityExt = New RegExp oRegex.Global = True oRegexSecurityExt.Global = True 'remove . \ / | : ? * " < > and control characters oRegex.Pattern = "(\.|\\|\/|\||:|\?|\;|\*|""|\<|\>|[\u0000-\u001F]|\u007F)" SanitizeFolderName = oRegex.Replace( sNewFolderName, "_" ) 'forbidden the dangerous ext oRegexSecurityExt.Pattern = "\.(asp|aspx|cer|asa|hdx|cdx|php|php5|php4|php3|phtml|shtml|jsp|jspx|xsp|cfm)$" SanitizeFolderName = oRegexSecurityExt.Replace( sNewFolderName, "_" ) Set oRegex = Nothingend function
0x4: 扩展名上传限制正则绕过漏洞
和0x2: 在代码层防御IIS解析漏洞(分号截断)相同,同时还可以通过强化正则规则,在扩展名的头尾加上"起始"、"结束"定界符来规避攻击者的畸形后缀bypass
Function IsAllowedType( resourceType ) Dim oRE Set oRE = New RegExp oRE.IgnoreCase = False oRE.Global = True oRE.Pattern = "^(" & ConfigAllowedTypes & ")$" IsAllowedType = oRE.Test( resourceType ) Set oRE = NothingEnd FunctionFunction IsAllowedCommand( sCommand ) Dim oRE Set oRE = New RegExp oRE.IgnoreCase = True oRE.Global = True oRE.Pattern = "^(" & ConfigAllowedCommands & ")$" IsAllowedCommand = oRE.Test( sCommand ) Set oRE = NothingEnd Function
Relevant Link:
2. PHP
// Do a cleanup of the folder name to avoid possible problemsfunction SanitizeFolderName( $sNewFolderName ){ $sNewFolderName = stripslashes( $sNewFolderName ) ; // Remove . \ / | : ; . ? * " < > $sNewFolderName = preg_replace( '/\\.|\\\\|\\;|\\/|\\||\\:|\\?|\\*|"|<|>|[[:cntrl:]]/', '_', $sNewFolderName ) ; $sNewFolderName = preg_replace( '/\\.(asp|aspx|cer|asa|hdx|cdx|php|php5|php4|php3|phtml|shtml|jsp|jspx|xsp|cfm)$/i', '_', $sNewFolderName ) ; return $sNewFolderName ;}// Do a cleanup of the file name to avoid possible problemsfunction SanitizeFileName( $sNewFileName ){ global $Config ; $sNewFileName = stripslashes( $sNewFileName ) ; // Replace dots in the name with underscores (only one dot can be there... security issue). if ( $Config['ForceSingleExtension'] ) $sNewFileName = preg_replace( '/\\.(?![^.]*$)/', '_', $sNewFileName ) ; // Remove \ / | : ? * " < > $sNewFileName = preg_replace( '/\\\\|\\/|\\||\\:|\\;|\\?|\\*|"|<|>|[[:cntrl:]]/', '_', $sNewFileName ) ; $sNewFileName = preg_replace( '/\\.(asp|aspx|cer|asa|hdx|cdx|php|php5|php4|php3|phtml|shtml|jsp|jspx|xsp|cfm)(;|$)/i', '_', $sNewFileName ) ; return $sNewFileName ;}
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